North Dakota Academy of Physician Assistants

47th Annual NDAPA Spring Primary Care Conference - May 8 & 9, 2025

Fargo Air Museum
1609 19th Avenue North
Fargo, ND 58102

Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 7:30am CT - Friday, May 9, 2025 at 3:30pm CT
Add this event to your calendar

1609 19th Avenue North, Fargo, ND 58102



Primary Care Topics

Credits Offered

This event offers 14.0 CME credits to attendees.
Accreditation Info: This program is not yet approved for CME credit. Conference organizers plan to apply for 14 AAPA Category 1 CME credits from the AAPA Review Panel. The total number of approved credits is yet to be determined..

Additional Information

Please join us for the 47th Annual NDAPA Spring Primary Care Conference!

We will be in a NEW VENUE this year the Fargo Air Museum.

A block of rooms is available at both the Homewood Suites (900 feet and only a 4 minute walk) and the Candlewood Suites (across 19th Avenue and a 5 minute walk). 

To book:

Homewood Suites -  Call the hotel directly at (701) 235-3150 and mention the block (Group Name: NDAPA, Group Code: 90K) or CLICK HERE

Candlewood Suites - Call the hotel directly at (701) 235-8200 and mention the block or CLICK HERE. 

Schedule subject to change. 


  • Hello to our Exhibitors and Sponsors! Registration for the 2025 NDAPA Spring Primary Care Conference Exhibitor Showcase is now open.
  • PLEASE note the new venue - Fargo Air Museum - Fargo
  • The prospectus and our W9 are linked below.
  • Please let us know if you have any questions.
  • We're looking forward to seeing you in May!

One Table Exhibit

This includes one table for you to display your products and one representative. 

If there will be more than one representative, additional registration is required. 


Additional Representatives

If you plan to have more than one representative at the conference at one time, you must register for additional representatives. 


Additional Table (must purchase one of the regular tables first)

This is for one additional table and one additional representative from your organization. 


Silver Level Exhibitor

One table exhibitor amenities PLUS:

  • Half-page advertisement in the participant program and company name on a poster in the registration area of the conference

Gold Level Exhibitor

One table exhibitor amenities PLUS:

  • Full-page advertisement in the participant program and company name on a poster in the registration area of the conference

Breakfast Sponsor

One table exhibitor amenities PLUS:

  • Full-page advertisement in the participant program
  • Company name on a poster in the registration area of the conference
  • Company signage on each table in the exhibit/meal area for the morning of that breakfast

Lunch Sponsor

One table exhibitor amenities PLUS:

  • Full-page advertisement in the participant program
  • Company name on a poster in the registration area of the conference
  • Company signage on each table in the exhibit/meal area for the meal sponsored

Half-page Advertisement in Program

Please submit your advertisement by 4-19-2025. 


Full-page Advertisement in Program

Please submit your advertisement by 4-19-2025.


Register For This Event

Full registration

NDAPA Current Member Full Registration

Please only choose this option if you are a current member and will remain so through the days of the conference.


Sustaining Member Registration (No CME)

This option is for those that are sustaining members of NDAPA and do not need CME. 


Thursday Only

Friday Only

Online Registration

For online-only registration.


PA/NP Student Registration

This option is only for current students of PA or NP programs. Does not include CME for the purposes of PA/NP recertification or licensure. 


Donation to NDAPA Scholarship

Your donations are tax deductible. 


Donation to NDAPA Scholarship

Your donations are tax deductible. 
