North Dakota Academy of Physician Assistants

Updates from the NDDoH Primary Care Office - Federal State Loan Repayment Program Open & Accepting Applications

Posted almost 4 years ago by Terri Lang

In North Dakota and around the United States, we are experiencing a shortage of healthcare professionals. We are seeing communities, particularly those residing in rural areas, suffering from a lack of access to primary health care services.  We need our healthcare professionals, now more than ever, to be recruited and retained in our state to support the healthcare needs in North Dakota rural communities.

Today, we are aware of 62 posted available job positions in rural communities across our state, and more than likely, many more than that. Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), Registered Nurses (RNs), Nurse Practitioners (NP, DNP), Dentists (DDS, DMD) and Physicians (MD, DO); just to name a few, are in high demand. The debt incurred from these types of degrees is overwhelming.

Retention and recruitment strategies across North Dakota are important as we work to increase our staffing across our state. Programs are available through the state of North Dakota that will assist in recruitment and retention efforts, and reduce the debt burden many providers face. As a partner, we are asking that you spread the word of these available programs to healthcare professionals across our state. The Federal State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) is currently open and accepting applications. There is eligibility criteria, so I encourage you to send potential applicants my contact information and I would be happy to discuss this opportunity more in depth.

We appreciate your help in addressing the workforce shortages and finding solutions for recruitment and retention efforts for North Dakota healthcare professionals.

 In health,

 Kalee Werner, MPH

Healthcare Workforce Coordinator

Director, Primary Care Office

701.805.1071     •