ND Legislature Special Session
Posted over 3 years ago by Jay Metzger
The North Dakota Legislature will go into a special session on Monday, Nov 8th. There are numerous bills that are related to COVID-19 in one way or another. Please take some time to review these bills and contact your legislators, especially the ones that are on the special committee (House Delayed Bills Committee) that will hear these. All of the COVID-related bills are from the House.
- 21.1081.05000 - Relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirement limitations on recipients of state and local tax incentives and exemptions
- 21.1082.03000 - Relating to discrimination based on vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport
- 21.1087.03000 - Relating to pharmacist dispensing of ivermectin
- 21.1089.02000 - Relating to liability of employers requiring COVID-19 vaccines
- 21.1105.01000 - Relating to employer-required COVID-19 vaccinations
- 21.1114.02000 - Relating to a prohibition on requiring a vaccination
- 21.1116.02000 - Relating to a hospital patient's right to try off-label use drugs, a hospital ban on discrimination based on vaccine status, pharmacist fulfillment of off-label drug use prescriptions, and the board of medicine's authority to bring disciplinary actions
- 21.1118.01000 - Relating to mandatory vaccination exemptions and an employer's civil liability for mandatory vaccinations
- 21.1125.01000 - Relating to limitations on COVID-19 vaccinations and infection information and limitations on employers requiring COVID-19 vaccinations
Members of the House Delayed Bills Committee:
Representative Chet Pollert: cpollert@nd.gov
Representative Scott Louser: sclouser@nd.gov
Representative Kim Koppleman: kkoppelman@nd.gov
Representative Josh Boschee: jboschee@nd.gov
Representative Alisa Mitskog: amitskog@nd.gov
Here is a link to the special legislative session. https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/special
NDAPA Legislative Committee